17 November 2009

I left to take Nancy and Greta to school this morning, leaving Lola in Nanny's kind and capable care, but feeling really teary that my big girl was lying on the sofa with tummy ache, looking pale and tired. She'd been lively and super-hungry the night before and we were all hoping she'd make it to school, at least for a little while. When I phoned home to see how she was feeling a little later, there was no reply. My imagination went into over-drive and I had temperature anxiety for a little while... then I received a text..."On a school trip with Nanny".... !!
It seems the tummy ache passed quite quickly with the help of a bowl of cocoa pops and a magic tablet and Lola went into school all ready for literacy, only to discover that her class had gone off to Capel St Mary for a lesson in playing Gamelan. Not to be defeated, Lola hopped on the coach with Nancy's class, Nanny in tow, and spent 2 hours creating curious sounds with Year 4! It was fantastic to hear her excitement at being able to join in.... and Geography is on the agenda for tomorrow afternoon.
Having mum here has been sooo good and I'm sure there will be a sit-in protest when I start cooking dinner again tomorrow night! My house is tidy, my iron has started to beg for mercy, there are home-made cakes AND I have been to work for 2 out of my 3 days so far this week. We even made it to the cinema tonight too! In fact, I am seriously considering locking her in tomorrow to prevent escape .... she is a complete STAR! x


  1. Hey guys, please can nanny come and visit here next. My iron is begging too, but it wants to see a shirt not mercy........
    and home made cakes, it's just too much!
    Well done Nanny xx

  2. hooray for Super- Dyllys!
    Great to see you at school yesterday, Lola.
    How has it gone today?
    love Sara
