08 November 2009

Hot dogs, sparklers and very smiley girls last night! Niamh saved Lola from boredom by adult and gave her the thumbs up on her new hats and bandanas. Temperature has remained safely below 37C :-) so she kicked the infection.
As round 2 of the chemo begins on Tuesday we shopped for a very funky suitcase on wheels today - black with big yellow spots and used by Greta to knee-cap several people in TK Maxx! Also some new board games - don't know about Lola but I can't quite face another game of monopoly just yet... any suggestions welcome!
And... we love Skype!!


  1. sounds like a good night!
    good luck on tuesday! xx

  2. Good luck for this week. Thinking of you all!

  3. We had such a lovely time. Niamh loved seeing Lola who very generously allowed us to inspect and comment on all her wonderful headgear!
    On the game front- Othelo is a strategic two person game that Lola will beat you at hands down, Helen! WE have it if you want to take it. x ps hope you can see these not sure if i am doing it right!
