18 November 2009

A full day of school today AND a huge appetite... go, Lola! She must be feeling good today as I got lots of cheekiness earlier...Great excitement at a part in the school play which involves numerous hat changes, apparently.
Seems I gave birth to a 'mover and shaker'... Lola has persuaded school that the funds raised on Friday for non-uniform day (and Children In Need day) should go to the Make A Wish Foundation instead. She volunteered to stand in front of the school and tell the children what it's all about and the vote was unanimous! Didn't inherit that influential streak from me!!


  1. Let us know how much dosh they raised, great stuff Lola !!

  2. Well done Lola - 'a mover and a shaker' eh? You need to put on a warmer jumper and a bigger hat, young lady.
    I want to know if Sophie has sent any more animals via the postman. If she sends a 4ft cardboard tube through the post, don't open it. It's bound to be a snake.

    Here's a naughty (animal themed) joke. Don't tell your mum 'cos I will be in trouble.

    How do you know when an elephant has been to the toilet?
    You can't get the toilet lid down.

    I know it's not very funny...I'll explain it for the benefit of your mum.....Elephant's are the largest land mammal from the family Elephantidae. Elephants are herbivores, spending 16 hours a day collecting plant food. An adult elephant can consume 140–270 kg of food a day. 60% of that food leaves the elephant's body undigested..........and that's why you can't get the toilet seat down........... catch up Helen.

  3. ohhhh... now I get it............ YEUCH!
