09 December 2009

I have absolutely everything crossed that Lola's temperature remains below 38C long enough for her to take part in the school performance tomorrow night. If things are fine in the morning then the thermometer remains firmly on ice until 8pm! She says the dress rehearsal was terrible today - isn't that supposed to be a good sign?
She's had a fantastic week... a visit to Handford Hall with me yesterday where everyone made her so welcome - thanks, Chelmo school in the afternoon and a full day of school today. She gets such a warm reception from her class-mates at school that, despite getting really tired, I think her spirits soar. I even phoned at lunch-time offering to take her home to rest and was very firmly dismissed... not sure who struggled with a full day more!
Last night we watched Greta and Nancy perform in their Christmas Plays and, when I learn to upload photos, I will share pictures of a very cheeky King's Page who wriggled, grimaced and giggled all the way through the "Sleepy Shepherd" and a rosy-cheeked Nancy, fiercely crushing her best friend's hand in terror, whilst she sang a solo in "Button Box". I thought she sounded beautiful, but I am well aware that I have parental bias !!!
Tonight, Lola decided that she is going to have a dinner party and lay in bed with the lap top planning her menu. She assures me I only need to assist... it's HER thing! It's great to see her interested in food as only a few weeks ago she couldn't bear the mention of it.. now I have a shopping list with cream, smoked salmon, linguine and chocolate on! She's planned the seating and guest list too... must have inherited my organisational skills...oh, alright then, YOURS, mum!! It looks like the run up to Christmas may be busy.
It's Nancy's 9th birthday tomorrow and Lola has chosen and wrapped all the presents, written the cards and generally made sure her sister is going to have a good time. Nancy is desperately excited and has promised us a 6am wake-up call followed by a present-opening session in MY bed before school. We LOOOVE birthdays! We are making pizzas at Lucca in Manningtree as a birthday treat next Monday - another date to keep that temperature down for. I am running out of things to cross!


  1. Don't worry, I will cross some of mine for you!! Am I invited to the dinner party??? or will it be for cool and trendy 10 and 11 year olds!!

  2. You are right, Nancy sang like a dream- totally beautiful!
    I want to come too, Lola!!!

  3. So many tears when Nancy sang. Have crossed all of my fingers too..... Oh to have life dictated by a wretched thermometer!!!! xx

  4. Is it wrong to say your daughter has the voice of an angel? We loved the plays & Lola did her bit, getting back in record time with the help of the nurses in Ipswich after a transfusion the same day.

    Every day I think I can't get any prouder & then I do. She was wiped out though and went for more blood the next day. After a very chilled out afternoon I delivered her to Chelmo and then came the inevitable temperature spike and back to Bergholt ward again. We were visited by the Brighton cousins on Saturday who were so pleased to see her and really lifted her spirits. Lottie came on Sunday and brought Lola the artificial christmas tree from her room and 18 ping pong balls along with a selection of gaudily coloured nail varnish which we proceeded to turn into decorations. Lola made an angel which resembles a very disapproving queen and caused a fair amount of giggling. B came too and contributed crackers which came in handy for more decorations. Exhausting work though & Lo slept soundly for a couple of hours afterwards.

    The next morning she was cracking the whip and we finished the 18th ball at lunchtime not to mention a sled made from coffee stirrers.

    The main excitement of the day was the arrival of the animals. We had a lot of fun with three rabbits and a guinea pig pottering around the room, eating lettuce, trying to dig holes in the bedding and nibble anything in their path.

    It transpires that she has an infection in her line & the antibiotics are continuing at least until Friday when we hope she will be out for the weekend & Christmas. I can't wait to have her back.

  5. Went up to Bergholt ward prepared for a long weekend last night with plenty of stuff to entertain and amuse only to be told 'after' I'd unloaded the car that she was being disharged!!! The smile on her face lit up the room & I'm sure she hasn't stopped.

    Her antibiotic regime has been changed to tackle the line infection more specifically & it means a coupe of visits to the hospital 10 - 12 hours apart to maintain which means some normality up to Christmas before returning to Cambridge on Boxing Day. An early Christmas present for us all and short of a miracle, all we could have wished for.

    So if you see a little girl with a cheesy grin & a headscarf bouncing around, chances are it will be Lola

  6. Hi Helen and Lola and family
    Hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and all your pre-Christmas events went according to plan. Have missed your blog. Wishing you lots of good things for 2010 (is it going to be called the 'tenties')
    With lots of love Carol
